**Horror in Charlottesville
- **From Media Journalism Professor
- Christopher Darnell Jones, a former football player, is the suspect who was taken into custody.
- Three students who were killed were a part of the football team according to school.
The City of San Angelo seeks input from citizens. Meet at 6 PM to give feedback to the community regarding its police chief. It seeks input from the community based on these three options
- Leave position, as is.
- Raise minimum qualifications of Police Chief
- Have an appointed chief (most likely selected by committee.)
Disclosure: Writer of this piece has personal relationships with stakeholders involved including SGR - a Firm used by cities to recruit and retain city leaders. However, his views do not come into play other than getting more people involved in this exciting process.
Reminder: RAM Club Luncheon on Wednesday, November 16, 2022 the LeGrand Center sponsored by Texas Bank Also, on Wednesday, Texas Exes has their luncheon at the Riverview Restaurant at River Terrace at 11:30. Come hear from Elizabeth T. Gershoff, Ph.D Cornerstone Christian School has a Fall Festival Coming soon stay tuned

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